Basically, all our customers share one objective: They expect reliable compressor operation enabling clean compressed air, or hydrocarbon gases, at an economical level.
Klüber Lubrication compressor oils for the marine industry set new standards and
- reduce maintenance costs
- increase compressor reliability
- reduce costs for spare part inventory
- reduce costs for used oil disposal
Klüber Summit DSL synthetic air compressor oils series
Extend lifetime of reciprocating compressor valves and piston rings compared to mineral or hydrocarbon oil based compressor oils as they form less residues which have a negative effect on compressor performance, reliability and efficiency. You benefit from reduced costs for maintenance and failures and increased energy efficiency due to the low friction coefficient of the synthetic compressor fluid.
Klüber Summit NGL synthetic compressor oil series
for the lubrication of wet cylinders in oil-injected natural gas high-pressure piston compressors
Enable cost savings by extending the lifetime of valves and piston rings. Compared to mineral oils, the products are very resistant to dilution and absorption by hydrocarbon gases.
Klüber Summit PGI series synthetic compressor oils
for oil-injected process gas compressors working with hydrocarbokayon-based refrigerants
Compared to mineral oils, Klüber Summit PGI products are very resistant to dilution and absorption by hydrocarbon cases. In addition, their long lifetime reduces maintenance and replacement costs due to less frequent oil changes.