Specialist for lubricants and services for the wire industry becomes new division.
Klüber Lubrication at the ITMA 2019 from 20 to 26 June in Barcelona hall 8.1, stand A209
New cleaning grease for wind turbines reliably removes residues in rolling bearings
New speciality lubricant for plain bearings in generators
Police and Klüber Lubrication succeed in uncovering falsifier workshops
New surface coating efficiently protects against friction and wear
New water-miscible bonded coatings for elastomers and O-rings
Klüber Lubrication and Wilhelmsen Ships Service have signed a close distribution partnership, with Wilhelmsen becoming a global partner for marine…
New multi-purpose grease protects rolling and plain bearings against corrosion and wear, even at low temperatures
New EALs combine strong performance with high environmental compatibility
Klüber Lubrication presents new speciality lubricants for the rail industry
Safe process agents for all applications in the baking industry
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