Klübersynth MZ 6-30

Obj. č.: 047131 Polar lubricating and corrosion protection oil

You require corrosion protection for metallic components to be used with polymers like EPDM, HDPP and HDPE without the need to pre-clean the components prior to greasing. Klübersynth MZ 6-30 protects your components reliably against corrosion while offering good compatibility with non-polar polymers.

Klübersynth MZ 6-30 is a fully synthetic lubricating and corrosion protection oil for use across a wide service temperature range.

Klübersynth MZ 6-30

Výhody pro váš provoz

  • Good corrosion protection preserving your components prior to series grease application

  • Versatile use with various non-polar polymers (EPDM, HDPP and HDPE)

  • Flexible use across a wide service temperature range

  • Solvent free

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