Vare-nr.: 097027 Fluid grease for rolling and plain bearings subject to high loads

In your applications high loads and temperatures often occur in combination with a dusty environment. This may impair the function of rolling and plain bearings.

To prevent malfunctioning, COSTRAC AK 0 with its very good backflow behaviour offers reliable lubricant supply also at temperatures up to 160 °C. Furthermore, friction and wear can be reduced due to the very good load-carrying capacity.

Also under the influence of moisture, the product's good resistance to water and the corrosion protection provided enable reliable operation.


Fordele for din applikation

  • Higher plant availability and less maintenance

    • enabled by good wear protection

    • even in moist environments due to good resistance to water

  • Successfully used in numerous components due to

    • good pumpability in centralised lubricating systems

    • good backflow behaviour even under thermal loads

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