Klüberlectric BQ 72-72

Article-No: 094140 Electroconductive low-noise rolling bearing grease for long-term lubrication

Do your rolling bearings have to meet challenging performance requirements in the face of long relubrication intervals or even lifetime lubrication? Do they have to operate over a wide service temperature range? Is there a risk of unwanted electric discharge which might lead to electric erosion and the formation of micro-craters? Do you operate rolling bearings in electric components such as generators or electric motors with continuously adjustable speed enabled by frequency converters and expect them to work reliably throughout the component's lifetime with only a minimum of noise?

The right lubricant can make a substantial contribution to meeting these taxing requirements. Klüberlectric BQ 72-72 was developed as an electroconductive rolling bearing grease with added excellent low-noise characteristics. Due to the use of selected additives based on ionic liquids, the lubricant's electroconductivity was increased, attaining resistance characteristics resembling those of semiconductors. Another challenge exists in the form of high or low temperatures in combination with long-term or lifetime lubrication. When developing this product, we attached particular importance to the combination of electroconductivity, long-term performance and low-noise operation so as to provide you with a maximised range of applications.

Klüberlectric BQ 72-72

Benefits for your application

  • Innovative lubricant containing ionic liquids to provide electroconductivity

  • Excellent behaviour at high and low temperatures

  • Especially for lifetime lubrication of capped or sealed deep groove ball bearings

  • Very good low-noise characteristics

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