Klüber Lubrication helps to improve the efficiency of COVID-19 detection

As an important tool for the detection of nucleic acid in the Sars-CoV-2 virus, the Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstations (abbr. ANAEW) are continuously in operation. Their reliability and accuracy are essential for the detection of COVID-19. By providing the right lubricating solution, Klüber Lubrication ensures the operational stability of the machines thus effectively improving COVID-19 detection.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the beginning of 2020, it has become a top priority for health institutions and governments around the world to better understand and track the virus in order to control the spreading of the disease. As the leading OEM of bio-extraction and purification systems for criminal and law-related detections and examinations in China, Changchun BOKUN Biotech Co. Ltd has developed specific ANAEWs particularly for the detection of COVID-19. The machines have been utilized in hospitals and centers for disease control in the whole of China. Moreover, ANAEWs also have been exported to Africa as part of the activities against COVID-19 there.

Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation

Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation

The high performance ANAEW system is one of the key “weapons” in the fight against COVID-19: It is responsible for the fast extraction and further detection of the nucleic acid of Sars-CoV-2 in the specimens taken from human throats or nasal cavities. The accuracy of confirming the COVID-19 infections depends on the efficiency and precision of the nucleic acid extraction process. This is why the stable and efficient operation of ANAEW is one of the most important factors in the COVID-19 detection. Currently, almost all of the ANAEWs are fully occupied in a 24-hour running mode due to the huge quantity of specimens. This continuous operation sets new challenges to the long-term reliability, stability and accuracy of ANAEWs.

Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation

Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation

The high-precision linear guideways and guide screws are the key moving components in the ANAEWs and their reliability is crucial for the normal operation of the ANAEWs. In this regard, the OEM BOKUN Biotech has set very high requirements for the lubrication of these components:


  • Long-term lubrication to ensure stable functions over an extended period of time.
  • Extremely low evaporation within the application temperature range to avoid contamination of the specimens.
  • No drying and hardening to ensure effective operation of the components
  • High-performance lubrication to ensure material compatibility and anti-wear protection in order to extend the lifetime of the components


As one of the leading global lubrication specialists, Klüber Lubrication has developed a tailor-made solution for BOKUN Biotech in order to fulfill the high requirements for lubricating high-precision linear guideways and guide screws in ANAEWs: Klübertemp GR AR 555 and Klübertemp GR M 07. The advantages of our products have been verified in comparison to another lubricant used in ANAEWs for other purposes such as criminal and legal detection.

Klübertemp GR AR 555 and Klübertemp GR M 07 offer significant improvements for component protection, operational efficiency and extended lifetime, which ensures a stable operation of ANAEWs even under demanding circumstances. Furthermore, our products enable reduction of maintenance costs as well as longer maintenance intervals, which additionally improves the processing speed of COVID-19 detection.

The lubricated components of Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation: linear guideways and screws

The lubricated components of Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation: linear guideways and screws

Combating COVID-19 has been a joint social responsibility of organizations and nations around the world. By providing tailor-made lubrication solutions, Klüber Lubrication assists business partners worldwide to improve their operations and thus contributes to more efficient measures in the global efforts against the disease.

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