The lower volatility of Klüber Summit RHT 68
Using well-accepted test standards like NOACK Volatility (DIN 51581) it has been recorded that Klüber-Summit RHT 68 has a lower evaporation rate - resulting in a 60% reduction in oil makeup rates. This is a distinct advantage vs. naphthenic oils.
The lower volatility of Klüber Summit RHT 68 influences the amount of oil vapour carryover with the ammonia gas past the separator. This oil normally does not return to the compressor. Since the oil is heavier than ammonia, these oil vapours are later condensed and collected in the oil traps that have to be serviced (drained) on a regular basis. In most cases, the condition of the collected oil warrants proper disposal; however, Klüber Summit RHT 68 from these traps can be re-cycled based on laboratory analysis.
Stay-in-grade viscosity and superior thermal stability
Traditional naphthenic refrigeration compressor oils have a higher evaporation rate which leads to higher top-up on a regular basis. Besides, with the reduction of shorter/lighter molecules in the overall composition, the system oil viscosity begins to increase resulting in higher temperatures, deposit formation, foaming and a definite decrease in system heat transfer efficiency.
For naphthenic oils, the viscosity increase during operation would be along the lines of 109 mm2/s, from the prescribed viscosity of 68mm2/s.
However, Klüber Summit RHT 68 has stay-in-grade viscosity control and superior chemicals that ensure thermal stability with no drop in system efficiency.
Inert to impurities and reduces operational costs
Conventional refrigeration compressor oils develop a high concentration of impurities like aromatics, sulfur, waxes and unsaturated compounds that reduce extended oil drain capability. These substances also form sludge which can damage machine components and drastically reduce refrigeration efficiency.
Klüber Summit RHT 68 is a hydro-treated oil which is highly inert. It literally generates no impurities and thus helps prevent mechanical component damage. The high-potential lubricant also reduces the number of oil filter replacements. All of this help save time, labour and cost significantly.
Extends re-lubrication intervals up to three times
The highly efficient Klüber Summit RHT 68 can extend the re-lubrication intervals to 10,000-15,000 hrs, while conventional refrigeration oils need to be changed after 3,000 – 5,000 hrs of operation.
Popular across the world
Klüber Summit RHT 68 is an all-rounder among refrigeration lubricants. It excellent performance in all conditions has made Klüber Summit RHT 68 the favoured refrigeration compressor oil choice for food processing industries around the world. Furthermore, Klüber Summit RHT 68 is approved by OEMs and packagers like GEA Grasso, Stal, Maneurop, MAYEKAWA Axima, Clauger, GEA Refrigeration and Johnson Controls.