Rail TechDay 2019
Welcome to Klüber Lubrication's Rail TechDay on 10 September and 12 September 2019!
The underlying cause of delays is often malfunctioning doors or gearboxes: if one component fails due to insufficient lubrication, this can cause a chain reaction throughout the rail network. Klüber Lubrication has been developing speciality lubricants for the rail industry for more than 85 years. They are put through their paces in our testing section, which is unrivalled worldwide. Join us to discuss how you can extend oil change and relubrication intervals and therefore insure that your trains can run on time.
At Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen on 10 September and at Scandic Oslo City on 12 September we at Klüber Lubrication Nordic will host one of our popular TechDays, a half-day seminar which this time will focus on the railway industry. A delicious breakfast will kick off this exclusive event where presentations mixed with informal discussion among colleagues will set the stage for an informative half-day. This will be an excellent opportunity to discuss your applications with our experts from Germany and Scandinavia.
Please register by e-mail to techday@sk.klueber.com or by filling the form below, by 26th of August at the latest. The number of participants is limited and registrations will be considered according to the order of entries. Participation is free of charge. Please include your food preferences in your registration.
08:30 – 09:00 Registration & Coffee
09:00 – 09:20 Welcome & short introduction of Klüber Lubrication Nordic Rail competence team
09:20 – 10:00 Global Industry Rail presentation
10:00 – 10:45 High-performance gear oils – for longer oil change intervals
• Klübersynth GE 4-75 W 90
• Klübersynth LEG 4-75 W 90
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00 Traction motor greases – for extended re-lubrication
• Klübersynth BHP 72-102
• Isoflex Topas L 152
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 13:30 Lubrication of train door seals – door opener for problem-free railway operations
• Barrierta L 25 DL Dispers
• Isoflex LDS 18 Special A
13:30 Questions and answers
Thomas Kamprath: Business Development Manager Global Industry Team Rail
Björn Johansson: Sales Engineer, Rail Specialist Nordic
Jesper Hansen: Sales Engineer, Rail Specialist Denmark
Martin Saetha: Sales Engineer, Rail Specialist Norway
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