Lubrication solutions for bearings in cement industry

Machines and components


Support roller bearings

Klüberoil GEM 1-… N series

Klübersynth GEM 4-… N series

Klübersynth GH 6-… series

Klüberlub BE 41-1501

Thrust Roller Lubrication

Klüberoil GEM 1-… N series

Klübersynth GEM 4-… N series

Klübersynth GH 6-… series

Klüberlub BE 41-1501

Seperators Distributor discs Klüberplex BEM 41-132
Fans Klüberplex BEM 41-132
Distributor disc drives Klüberplex BEM 41-132
Angular Gears Klubersynth GEM 4-...N series
Roller presses/Gutbett roller mills Roller Lubrication

Klüberoil GEM 1-… N series

Klübersynth GEM 4-… N series

Klübersynth GH 6-… series

Klüberlub BE 41-1501

Hammer Crusher Crusher main bearings Klüberlub BE 41-1501
Gyratory Crusher Spider caps Klüberlub BE 41-1501
Circulation Systems

Klüberoil GEM 1-… N series

Klübersynth GEM 4-… N series

Klübersynth GH 6-… series

Bevel gear drives

Klüberoil GEM 1-… N series

Klübersynth GEM 4-… N series

Klübersynth GH 6-… series

Jaw Crusher Crusher main bearings Klüberlub BE 41-1501
Coolers Blower and electric motor bearings STABURAGS N12 MF
Lepolrost and Recupol coolers STABUTHERM GH 461 /462
Vibrating screens −30 up to 150 °C (−22 up to 302 °F) Klüberplex BEM 41-132
−20 up to 160 °C (−4 up to 320 °F) Klüberlub BVH 71-461
Electric motor bearings For long term lubrication up to max. 120 °C (248 °F) Klüberplex BE 31-102
Up to max. 180 °C (356 °F) PETAMO GY 193
Multipurpose up to 140 °C (284 °F) STABURAGS N 12
High speed and thermal stress, up to max. 140 °C (284 °F) STABURAGS N 12 MF
Exhaust air fan bearings PETAMO GY 193
  Klübersynth GEM 4-… N series
Lubrication of bearings subject to high load

Manual lubrication:

−10 up to 150 °C (14 up to 302 °F)

Klüberlub BE 41-1501
−15 up to 140 °C (5 up to 284 °F) Klüberplex BE 11-462
−20 up to 160 °C (−4 up to 320 °F) Klüberlub BVH 71-461

Centralised lubrication system:

15 up to 150 °C (59 up to 302 °F)

Klüberlub BE 41-1501
−5 up to 140 °C (23 up to 284 °F) Klüberplex BE 11-462
−10 up to 160 °C (14 up to 320 °F) Klüberlub BVH 71-461


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  • Sudha. P

    Asst. Manager - Business Support
