Klübersynth VA 62-3502

Cod. articolo: 008055 Fully synthetic lubricating and sealing grease for valves and fittings in the oil & gas industry

Klübersynth VA 62-3502 is a fully synthetic lubricating and sealing grease for valves and fittings subject to aggressive media. It is resistant to water, mineral oil, glycol-water mixtures, aliphatic and aromatic gases and liquid hydrocarbons such as petroleum and natural gas.

The high washout resistance enables extended relubrication intervals and increased operational reliability.

Klübersynth VA 62-3502

Vantaggi per la tua applicazione

  • Reliable function of components with high washout resistance

  • Improved component performance and extended relubrication intervals due to the good sealing effect and the very good resistance to natural gas and petroleum as well as aromatic hydrocarbons*

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