Klüber Summit FTO 100

Artikkel-nummer: 050247 Fully synthetic running-in and corrosion protection oil

As a manufacturer or packager of larger reciprocating piston compressors, you often face the challenge of bridging longer periods between post-production factory testing and actual equipment start-up at the operating site. Often, the commissioning of the compressor also depends on other equipment in the plant, which can easily lead to significant delays in the project schedule. This in turn can lead to long periods of idleness until the compressor is eventually put into operation.

With Klüber Summit FTO 100, we offer you the right all-in-one solution for your compressor system.

Factory testing at the manufacturer’s production and testing site can be performed to full satisfaction with this fully synthetic ester oil containing special additives.

The initial oil fill may remain in the machine for all subsequent project steps. During storage and transport, the corrosion inhibitor used protects the internal components of the compressor system from corrosion. In addition, Klüber Summit FTO 100 offers excellent lubrication properties for starting up the compressor and its operation until the first regular oil change. In addition to saving multiple oil fills and avoiding oil change efforts, the oil also offers very good miscibility properties. Klüber Summit FTO 100 is miscible with all common base oil types such as mineral oils, polyalphaolefins (PAO), polyglycols (PAG) and esters.

Klüber Summit FTO 100

Fordeler for din applikasjon

All-in-one solution for your compressor system for commissioning and operation until the first regular oil change.

  • Ideal lubricating properties during factory testing of new compressors

  • Preservation and protection against corrosion during storage and transport

  • Excellent lubrication at start-up and until first maintenance

  • Good miscibility withcommon base oils

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