Klüber Summit SH 46

Vare-nr.: 050005 Synthetic air compressor oils for oil change intervals up to 10,000 operating hours

Klüber Summit SH oils are air compressor oils based on synthetic hydrocarbon and additives. They can be mixed with mineral oils and synthetic hydrocarbon oils, however are not miscible with polyglycol oils.

Klüber Summit SH 46

Fordele for din applikation

  • Low maintenance and operating costs due to extended oil change intervals up to 10,000 operating hours in oil-injected screw-type compressors

  • Easy compressor oil conversion due to neutral behaviour of oils towards seals

  • Low tendency to evaporation and thus low impact of the oil vapour on the compressed air

  • Longer servie life of the oil filters, activated carbon filters and oil separators

  • Low formation of oxidation residues in the oil circuit, reduced operating costs due to extended oil filter and separator life

  • Reduction of energy costs due to more energy efficient operation

  • Surpasses the requirements of DIN 51506-VDL and ISO 6743-3 L-DAJ (VG 32/46/55/68) / L-DAB (VG 100)

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