Constantly rising cost pressure calls for lower wear and longer service life.
These requirements apply to many different applications. In railway wheelset bearings, in particular, higher demands regarding component reliability come on top of that.
What may sound like a contradiction is made possible by Klübersynth BHE 46-403. Its very new and innovative product concept offers significantly reduced friction resistance, supporting lower expenses for energy. At the same time, the operating temperature is reduced, which can be proven by measurements. This makes long-term lubrication possible.
Due to the very good friction data of Klübersynth BHE 46-403, which go along with very good anticorrosive characteristics, wear is reduced. A positive consequence is longer component life. This saves costs for maintenance and protects the environment through reduced demand for natural resources.
Klübersynth BHE 46-403 has been certified for increased wheelset bearing mileage according to common railway industry standards. Also where a lower mileage has been specified, grease life can be extended. Please contact our rail specialists to arrange for a consultation on individual specifications.